Monday, May 31, 2010

As Dry as the Ocean

Ok, well, you know my little buddy, Midnight, right? Well, Fuzz-lips (Midnight) was a litte *AHEM* wet a couple weeks ago. Well, Julie was sleeping over that Saturday, and then it was...oh I dunno... 9:30 PM? ANYWAYS... We were playing our DSi's in the living room, and the little Mr. Midnightie walks in...WET!!! I guess you could of called him "The Cat thats as Dry as the Ocean"! So I went to look in the bathroom--and Julie didn't drain the bath water! So thats how he was wet! Its not Julie's fault... she didn't know how to and thought she did turn the water off.


Mrs. Laura Aquila, the teacher said...

Soooo, he fell into the tub, huh???

Julie said...

I am sorry about that, Lol. I thought I drained it.