Monday, May 30, 2011

The Continued part of Doorknob Troubles

"WHAAAAAAT?! BRANDON! GRRZIES ON YOU BRADLY RYAN AQUILMILLA! BAD BOY!" Shark yelled. "I'M NOT A BAD BOY! IM A GOOD BOY!" Brad yelled back. Sammy just stood there and picked his nose. Then they heard their mom's voice. "Brandon? Shark? My little babies? whats wrong? Why is the doorknob not opening! You must be starving!" "We are, mommy!" yelled Brad. "Mom, I think I know how to fix it.." Shark began but he was talking to thin air, because their mom had gone of to get some poptarts and shove them under the door for the boys' dinner. "MOMMY COME BACK!" Brad screamed. Then he heard another voice: "Brad?! Shark?! What HAPPENED?!" yelled their friend, Julie. "JULZ PULZ!!!"the delighted boys squealed, hoping she had her purse with her. "Hey, Julie, do you have that locket Abigail gave you? If you do, try to pick the lock with it!" Shark directed. "No way, Jose! It'll break!" Julie refused. "But I'll call Abigail!" "Really?!" Shark was very happy now. Then all they heard was. "Hey can you come over to the Aquillmilla's? Mm-hmm, mm-hmmmmmm... wait what? Is there a party or something cool? Uh... yeah! Will you get mad if there's not? Oh, ok! Well bye bff jill! (CLICK)" Julie hung up. "WHY DID YOU TELL HER THERE'S A PARTY?!" Shark and Brad yelled. Of course, nobody ever wanted to see Abigail really mad. DING DONG!!! "Go get it, Julie..." Shark said discouragly. "Um, Julie? Why am I the only one here- WAIT THERE'S NOT A PARTY?!!!!! ARRRRRRRAGGG!" yelled Abigail's voice. "Um, Abe? You feel like... kickin' somethin'? Like...a door down?" Julie asked. "YES!!!! HRAAAH!" Abigail kicked at the door. THUD!!! Brandon and Shark hugged Abigail. "Wha-what the..." BAM!!! "OUCH....."
The End

Picture of my Life

That should be it for now....

Saturday, May 28, 2011

After a Bath

The first picture after his bath:

"Huh? You're taking pictures of me???"

"WHY are you taking pictures of me?!?!?!" >:(

"Do a closeup...this is my better side..."


RAWR! My mom's blogger account WON'T sign OUT!!!!!!!!!! I WANT TO EDIT "WELCOME TO JAPAN"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Ugly 600$ Cowboy Leather Jacket

My dad needed a new leather coat, so we were running all around town looking for one. We went to some place (I don't remember what it's called.) Well, they only had one leather jacket and it was UG-A-LEE!!!! It looked like a Cowboy jacket, but 10x more ugly! When we got to the truck and started driving to some other place to look for a less ugly leather jacket, my dad said, "That thing was 600 bucks!" and I was like, "REALLY?! It was so ugly, though!"

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Posted from my iPod

Hello ppl! I am posting this from MY IPOD!!! Crazy, huh? Right now i am watching Tom and Jerry but im about to switch to Toy Story 3 ( my dad got it for Christmas) ok so its kinda hard to type on here sp byezers!!!!


Merry Christmas!

...And a happy Newyear! I think my favorite gift was someone else's--and it was Midnight's. He got a box, and its SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute to watch him play in it! My second fave gift wass my dad's--an ornament. But it was awesome because it had Clark Griswold with his christmaslights :) Well, I had a pretty good Christmas--you? Tell me in the comments!